Samples Help
The Samples Module provides a space to :
- Create sample_IDs for family members defined in PhenoDB. Multiple sample_IDs can be created for each family member.
- Create 3 types of manifests (intake, repository, and sequencing) to allow tracking of samples as they proceed through different phases of the project. Multiple files can be uploaded and stored with each manifest. If desired, uploading of a file can also automatically associate manifest name and manifest date with the samples that are listed in the file.
- Associate sample_IDs with manifests (both by manually choosing from a pick-list of existing manifests and by automatic parsing of data when a manifest file is uploaded).
- Associate sample_IDs with key dates of processing (both by manual assignment and by automatic association with a manifest date).
- For each sample, indicate 1. sequence type (exome, genome, or both), 2. the lab that did the sequencing, 3. the lab sample ID, 4. the date sequencing was completed, and 5. the location of the sequencing data.
- Upload data in bulk using a spreadsheet: Capability for creating new samples and for adding data to existing samples.
All sample information can be accessed from the Samples tab. There are also context-sensitive links to sample information from many pages within PhenoDB.
All sample information can be downloaded in either tab-delimited or comma-delimited format.